There have been a few specific requests for carrying out particular applications in R. We will add code to address these requests here throughout the week.
## make up a vector where the decimals are entered as commas
comma.weights = c("56,3", "45,6", "67,8", "87,4", "42,1", "75,4")
## look at your vector of weights with commas.
## it is stored as a character because of the commas, which you would like to replace with periods
## you can do this with 'gsub' in base R
comma.weights = gsub(pattern = ",", replacement = ".", x=comma.weights)
## then, turn it into a numeric vector for use in data analysis
comma.weights = as.numeric(comma.weights)
## look at the help file to explore the functions of this command and others like it further
## imagine you have a dataset that looks like this
yr = c(1990, 1998, 1997, 2003, NA, 2015)
age =c(5,4,NA,6,12,18)
name=c("Ricky", "Fenosoa", "Lady", NA, "Tahiana", "Tsilavo")
dat.ex = cbind.dataframe(yr, name, age)
## look at your dataframe. you have an NA in column 1/row 5, column 2/row 4, and column 3/row3. the function complete.cases will help you subset your data to include only those rows of data which have no NAs = dat.ex[complete.cases(dat.ex),]
##look at your new data frame:
## there are no longer any NAs, but be careful! if you were only interested in analyzing your columns for yr and age, you just eliminated a row (row 4) that had all the information you needed. this function will only take rows for which ALL information is complete.
## load your required libraries
## read in the entire districts of Madagascar shapefil
mdg_admin2_shp<-readShapePoly('MDG_Shp/MDG_adm2.shp', proj4string = CRS('+proj=longlat'))
## select a subset that only includes the district named "Sava"
subset_shp_file<-mdg_admin2_shp[which(mdg_admin2_shp$NAME_2 == 'Sava'),]
## plot all of Madagascar
## plot the Sava district on top of all of Madagascar and color it blue
plot(subset_shp_file, col = 'blue', add = TRUE)
## plot just the Sava district on its own